Sunday, June 26, 2011

Are they extinct like the dinosaurs?


 So after a few conversations with my girl the good Doctor, I started to wonder what the fuck is wrong with women? We are certainly at a stage in life where I'll say 98% of the women that I know are about their business/careers and in all attempts to make it to the next step in such but would give it all up (and throw in their left tit for good messure) to say that they were MRS.Poorunsuspectingsucker. Nevermind all the years of schooling and nights burning the midnight oil to get the job done, having a man  is way more important to them.
     Unfortunately some women wear their martial status like a badge of honor. Being married pushes a woman up in the ranks, thereby reigning supreme over her chronically single friends which wish nothing more in the world than to be just like her. As a married woman she has completed her life's goals. She can die knowing that her destiny has been fulfilled. Sound stupid? Of course it does!
     In real life you have to be a complete person and totally satisfied with yourself before picking someone else up. If you are looking for anything outside yourself to make you whole, you are in a world of trouble! If you told anyone that they could have a thing in its entirety or a fraction of that same thing for the same price, they'd take the thing in its entirety any day of the week! If someone else completes you then what happens when they aren't there?
   When I was a little girl I remember loving to watch the older girls and grown women and the way they moved. They all seemed to be so confident in who they were and damn you if you dared to question their flyness! What ever happened to the BETTY BADASS women of my childhood? This was the 90's and women were on their  independent shit! They professed to not NEED anyone but themselves. Where there are certainly some flaws to the way they did things, there is something to believing that you were dope (and dare I say, SEXY) all by yourself.

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